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Winners and Losers of COVID-19

This is America, COVID or NOVID. And that means we have an obligation to view everything as competitively as possible, even when it’s mind-blowingly inane

Closer Apart

One of the prevailing themes that’s been reiterated by every COVID-19-tainted TV spot running during this crisis – and I know everyone has seen them

Salvation by Innovation

It has been said that “necessity is the mother of invention.” That’s almost certainly true, as motherhood is not very hard to prove, unlike fatherhood,

The Parent Trap

It’s not news to anyone who has had or has been a child that parenting is really hard work. It is.


One of the hottest trends online – especially in the era of social distancing – is distance learning or online instruction. Even if educating isn’t


If you are stuck at home with little to do, you actually have one of the greatest assets a business can have: Time. This precious